Your Guide to Having an Amazing Summer Vacation
Spring semester goes by really quick. Before you know it, summer will have arrived. What are you doing over the summer?
There are a lot of things you can do to have a productive summer break, from hanging out with friends to traveling. Here are nine suggestions for making your summer break worthwhile:
1. HANG OUT WITH FRIENDS! Use your summer time to catch up with your friends that you have not seen in a while. Go out for ice cream, watch a movie, play video games, have a soccer game at the park or go to a concert together! Spend quality time with your best friends.
2. TAKE A SUMMER COURSE AT LFC If you are behind on credits or want to get ahead on credits, then you should look into summer courses at Lake Forest College or other colleges. Summer gives you the time you need to focus on one course and get the grade that you want, which will help increase your GPA.
3. TOUR THE CITY OF CHICAGO There are always a lot of things going on in the summer in the city of Chicago such as: The Puerto Rican Festival, Pride Parade, Chinatown Summer Fair, Fireworks on 4th of July, Lollapalooza, etc. If you are not from the City of Chicago, then you should take this opportunity to have fun exploring what Chicago has to offer!
4. SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY Catch up with your family that you have probably not seen in a long time. Go out to dinner and tell them all of your wild stories from college.
5. RELEASE YOUR INNER CHILD “Tonight we are young!”— FUN. Take off your college backpack and become a king once again! Play tag on the beach and eat a popsicle.
6. TRAVEL! Summer time is about having the freedom to be wherever you want to be. Why not travel around Europe? Living in a different environment can help you become more educated on other cultures and be more aware of the different ways people live. It can also be an opportunity for you to try new foods and learn a new language.
7. VOLUNTEER IN YOUR COMMUNITY It is always nice to help out in the community. Get connected with your neighbors and ask if they need help on any community events. Volunteering in your community can help you develop leadership skills.
8. MAKE IT RAIN! Summer time is a great time to make money and save up to pay for your loans. Look for a job related to your career or get an internship and get hands-on experience. Adding your work experience to your resume will help you with other job opportunities in the future.
9. LOSE THAT FRESHMAN 15! Summer is the best time of the year to lose those extra pounds that you gained throughout the year. Take advantage of the free time that you have and go for a run in the park. Also, drink a lot of water and eat your fruits and vegetables. Doing these things will make you feel happy and healthy.